Winner of the draw for the satisfaction survey for ISO 9001:2015 implementation at Dynamic Express Courier SL.

May 24 2018

On May 24, 2018, the awarding of the prize draw to the satisfaction survey for ISO 9001:2015 implementation at Dynamic Express Courier SL took place.

Said survey was available to all our customers, the graced customer is Desico and the winner of the draw held on May 2, 2018 has been Ms. Ariadna Morales from Desico's Projects Department.

Luis Sánchez, Sales and Marketing Director of Dynamic Express presents the award at Desico's facilities in Sant Cugat del Vallès-Barcelona.

The prize is "a relaxation experience pack for two people".

Why Relax? From Dynamic we want the best for our clients and the best for their shipments, that both enjoy relax, it is a guarantee of tranquility and well-being.

We would like to thank our customers for the excellent reception to our recent initiative and for the trust they have placed in our company.

If you are a Dynamic customer, be on the lookout for upcoming events and sweepstakes.

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