Dynamic is quietly but actively fighting the Covid-19 Coronavirus.

April 18 2020

Is it a state secret? You could say yes.
Dynamic fights silently but actively against the Covid-19 Coronavirus.
Soon we will be able to give more information, so we are working on a Making Of, how it was done because it is not a secret, it is a professional agreement of temporary reserve.
Currently by professional agreement we can not disseminate more tactical or operational aspects of this work or our client.
It consists of maintaining confidentiality about the information and work we receive from this very special client who requests our services. This element guarantees the confidentiality between Dynamic and the client for whom we work with the purpose of not revealing a series of guidelines that we carry out.
It is true that it is impossible to maintain absolute secrecy as our work is developed in the logical scope of our activity, logistics, handling and distribution, likewise given the nature of this special work our vehicles and workers are holders of a very special free movement permit within the exceptional authorizations of this confinement, we have a special badge that allows us to reach the frontline staff for our performance.
We are working on a Making Of, how it was done, how Dynamic fought against Covid-19, we are currently immersed in the fight against Covid-19 by the signing on April 8 of a major contract and we will add another one at the beginning of next week, this second one is the result of the work done during the start of the activity for this client during the Easter holidays and beyond, for this first work that is already bearing fruit we receive a special mention for our contribution, involvement and professional performance, the new challenge that is presented to us although it is parallel to the current one has an even more relevant connotation, both will cover much of the needs demanded by professionals and society.
Our wishes in these difficult times, for all of us we would like to generalize, health and work.

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