Dynamic Express opens three new centers of its own.

September 04 2020

Dynamic Express opens three new centers of its own, in Lleida, Guadalajara and expands its headquarters with a new logistics warehouse that will support the expansion of the current one, which in just one year has become too small due to the growth in the middle of the pandemic crisis. The work that Dynamic's professionals have been doing to adapt to the needs of the market is a must.

We analyzed the market needs and after several months of collaboration with different local suppliers, in Dynamic we decided to open our own center in C/ Vilanova de la Barca Nº 3 Nave C 25191 Lleida.

Center that after the pertinent adjustments and the appropriate support of the central departments and professionals of Dynamic is currently in an effectiveness ratio of 97.50% from where it is serving the entire province of Lleida with direct links to La Seu'Urgell, the small neighboring country and outside our borders The Principality of Andorra and the strategic town of Puigcerda belonging to the north of the province of Girona, offering the full range of Dynamic services, bags, reverse logistics, 10h, 14h, 19h and special needs.

The Guadalajara branch office joins the company's own center in San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, to strengthen the central area of the country.

The facilities are located at C/Francisco Aritio 119 Nave 27 - 19004 Guadalajara,

In this way we consolidate one of our pillars to increase the already existing traffic between the communities of Madrid, Levante and Catalonia with our own routes and means.

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